Stock trading requires having and committing a lot of money for returns that are relatively low- even when you get it right. There are other markets out there and these days everyone has access to them with very little required capital (less than $500) and potential percentage returns that might surprise. The following questions will be answered in this course: What is Leverage and how does it work in Financial Markets? Is leverage dangerous? How can the risks associated with leverage be effectively managed? What are the futures market, CFD market and options market and how do they work? What is involved in trading or investing in them? No prior experience required.
Dennis Keillor BAppSci (Physics), DipEd has been teaching at WEA since 2007.
As a ‘Cycologist’ Dennis has been a successful financial market forecaster, trader and educator since 1997.
As a ‘Fizzacist’ Dennis has been producing homemade brew since Adam was a boy!