Tutoring for WEA
Tutors wanted for teaching

Are you interested in tutoring for the WEA? Contact us with your details and the topic below you wish to teach, or any other topic you would like to suggest. Currently the WEA are looking for tutors in the following areas:

  • Armchair Travel
  • Home Garden & Nature
  • Craft
  • Boxing for Fitness
  • Archery
  • Welding
  • Hair styling
  • Mosaics
  • Simple Home Maintenance
  • Tiling
  • Banjo
  • Indigenous Culture
  • Afghan Cuisine
  • Languages: Aboriginal

Download Tutor Application Form

New and creative ideas
Do you have any new and creative ideas you would like to teach?
The WEA is always looking for new courses to add to our wide range of classes we offer at the WEA
Darwin Kakadu and Tiwi Islands 2025
A highlight of the 2025 WEA domestic tour calendar. Explore Darwin’s colourful multi-cultural history, vibrant contemporary life, tropical gardens, museums, galleries, markets and fabulous food scene. Enjoy superb trips to the Tiwi Islands, Litchfield National Park, Fogg Dam and the Adelaide River for a crocodile cruise. Travel to magnificent Kakadu National Park and marvel at the wonders of time and nature, cruise on magical Yellow Waters Billabong and visit ancient galleries of acclaimed indigenous rock art and sacred country. Includes flights, quality accommodation, full escort from Adelaide to Adelaide with Northern Territory specialist Helen Bulis and all sightseeing.