WEA: Adult Learning
Home Brewing

We will start at a very basic level and then look at adding sophisticated options. What we will make is simple (supermarket ingredients and minimal brewing equipment), cheap (about $1 per litre), quick (drinkable within a week) and genuinely nice (you can alter the recipes to suit your palate). You will be provided extensive notes, starter equipment, delicious tastings AND you will take home 3 litres of started cider and the equipment. No prior brewing experience required.

Available Session Times - select from the following sessions:

Fees available for this course:(Which Fee?)
Standard: A$125.00

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Your Tutor is Dennis Keillor

Dennis Keillor BAppSci (Physics), DipEd has been teaching at WEA since 2007. 

As a ‘Cycologist’ Dennis has been a successful financial market forecaster, trader and educator since 1997.

As a ‘Fizzacist’ Dennis has been producing homemade brew since Adam was a boy!