WEA: Adult Learning

This course shows you via pictures and also text how to create and set up your MYOB file properly. In order to do so, each chapter steps you through the correct procedures and the end result enables you to produce "meaningful reports". Included in the book are practice files for you to revisit your learning. The fee also includes your text book. The course does not require accounting or bookkeeping knowledge, however in order to make the most of this course the accounting jargon will be explained in "plain English" citing examples by the tutor.

Available Session Times - select from the following sessions:

STARTED 58102 - Sat 9.00am 22 Feb. 2 wks x 6 hrs (Wea Centre)

Fees available for this course:(Which Fee?)
Standard: A$450.00
Discount: A$405.00
Concession: A$394.00

Select the number of places and click 'Enrol':